ASSITEJ International Archives - ASSITEJ International International Association of Theatre & Performing Arts for Children & Young People Wed, 08 Nov 2023 16:24:46 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 ASSITEJ International Archives - ASSITEJ International 32 32 Message from the Executive Committee Tue, 07 Nov 2023 00:28:37 +0000 The mission of ASSITEJ is to work for the rights of all children and young people toward enrichment through the arts. Theatre and the performing arts respects its young audiences by presenting...

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The mission of ASSITEJ is to work for the rights of all children and young people toward enrichment through the arts. Theatre and the performing arts respects its young audiences by presenting their hopes, dreams, and fears; it develops and deepens experience, intelligence, emotion, and imagination; it inspires ethical choices; it increases awareness of social relationships; it encourages self-esteem, tolerance, confidence, and the free expression of opinions.

This is the mandate given in our Constitution. This is our competence. This is where we can make a difference to children and young people together with the thousands of artists around the world in our membership.

The Constitution of ASSITEJ tells us that we will “support no action that intentionally harms children physically, sexually, emotionally, psychologically or culturally in any context.” In the last four weeks, children and young people have suffered and died in Israel and Gaza. Some of our members are witnessing this first-hand and have relatives and friends who have lost their lives.

We take the side of children and urgently appeal for all actions that are harming children and their families to stop. We appeal for the release of all hostages and beg for a dialogue toward peace.

The power we have as a global community of artists in the present moment is in our art – a power we can use to heal and to hold and remind us all of the need for empathy, compassion, humanity.

-The Executive Committee of ASSITEJ International


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ASSITEJ – Upholding The Rights Of The Child Tue, 10 Oct 2023 09:36:05 +0000 The post ASSITEJ – Upholding The Rights Of The Child appeared first on ASSITEJ International.


ASSITEJ – Upholding The Rights Of The Child

ASSITEJ International upholds the rights of the child and defends young people’s place as contributors, cultural actors, and valued members of society.

We acknowledge that because of our audience, our work intersects with education, with families and their welfare, with justice, and with community well-being. It is tied strongly to resilience and the development of confidence, to the inspiration of hope and imagination. We cannot stand by in silence when we witness the actions, the policies, and the conflicts that impact strongly on the rights and hopes of children and young people.

ASSITEJ International rejects the adoption of violent conflict and recognises the appalling impact of such actions on children and their lives. We know that many of our members are dealing first hand with the results of violence and we support and applaud artists everywhere who provide tools for expression through art and who are working to maintain hope where it is most under threat.

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A Note from Sue Giles Tue, 07 Nov 2023 00:28:09 +0000 This month, from November 20 to 25, many of us in the ASSITEJ community and the Eastern European region will gather in Belgrade and Novi Sad in Serbia, for the...

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This month, from November 20 to 25, many of us in the ASSITEJ community and the Eastern European region will gather in Belgrade and Novi Sad in Serbia, for the ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering and Festival – Turning Point.

The provocation of Turning Point is about change and the liminal moment this offers. It is a focus on a shift in the world that needs addressing as practitioners, as makers of theatre and performance and as people who serve a young audience. The world is a difficult place to make sense of sometimes, and for all of us, not just the young, it can be utterly overwhelming. We are looking at the appalling effects of war on children and young people, the effects of climate crisis on us all, the inequity and injustice that stops people being able to live their lives, the selfishness and racism that denies people their human rights. What is it we can do, within our own contexts, to make the future possible?

We are theatre and performance makers who make work for, with, by and about children and young people and our task, our purpose, is embedded in the social, economic and political fabric of young people’s lives. It is through our practice as artists that we can take the steps to create a turning point for many, including ourselves. The power we have to tell stories that show and interpret complex situations is vital. We have a deep and nuanced language to play with that spans so many art forms and ways of being – emotional, physical, visual, sensory as well as words.   We are in the business of empathy, of wonder and curiosity, humanity and compassion, of protest and contributing to change.

We thrive through connection and sharing with others. Our work is public facing, is outward and inclusive. We need to feel, stronger than ever, that our community and our association is holding us in what we aim to achieve – unity for our practitioners around the world and the promotion of theatre and performance for, with, by and about children and young people.  We can gather together, share stories, enjoy the connection when we can in person and we can engage online, read what others have discovered, experienced and shared, feel for people in extremis and do what we can, connecting locally, nationally, globally.

We know what we can do through our art: the energy of young voices, perspectives and opinions given space and place; the disempowered heard and seen; and not least, delight, wonder and possibility returned to an increasingly uncertain world.

Sue Giles

President, ASSITEJ International

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Mensagem do Comitê Executivo da ASSITEJ Internacional Wed, 08 Nov 2023 16:21:16 +0000 A missão da ASSITEJ é trabalhar pelos direitos de todas as crianças e jovens em relação ao enriquecimento por meio das artes. O teatro e as artes cênicas respeitam seu...

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A missão da ASSITEJ é trabalhar pelos direitos de todas as crianças e jovens em relação ao enriquecimento por meio das artes. O teatro e as artes cênicas respeitam seu público jovem ao apresentar suas esperanças, sonhos e medos; desenvolvem e aprofundam a experiência, a inteligência, a emoção e a imaginação; inspiram escolhas éticas; aumentam a consciência das relações sociais; incentivam a autoestima, a tolerância, a confiança e a livre expressão de opiniões.

Esse é o mandato dado em nossa Constituição. Essa é a nossa competência. É aqui que podemos fazer a diferença para as crianças e os jovens, juntamente com os milhares de artistas de todo o mundo que fazem parte de nossa associação.

A Constituição da ASSITEJ nos diz que “não apoiaremos nenhuma ação que intencionalmente prejudique as crianças física, sexual, emocional, psicológica ou culturalmente em qualquer contexto”. Nas últimas quatro semanas, crianças e jovens sofreram e morreram em Israel e em Gaza. Alguns de nossos membros estão testemunhando isso em primeira mão e têm familiares e amigos que perderam suas vidas.

Tomamos o partido das crianças e apelamos urgentemente para que todas as ações que estejam prejudicando as crianças e suas famílias parem. Apelamos para a libertação de todos os reféns e imploramos por um diálogo para a paz.

O poder que temos como uma comunidade global de artistas no momento presente está em nossa arte – um poder que podemos usar para curar, abraçar e lembrar a todos nós da necessidade de empatia, compaixão, humanidade.

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]]> Tue, 07 Nov 2023 00:24:08 +0000 Ce mois-ci, du 20 au 25 novembre, de nombreux membres de la communauté ASSITEJ et de la région d’Europe de l’Est se réuniront à Belgrade et à Novi Sad, en...

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Ce mois-ci, du 20 au 25 novembre, de nombreux membres de la communauté ASSITEJ et de la région d’Europe de l’Est se réuniront à Belgrade et à Novi Sad, en Serbie, pour la Rencontre artistique annuelle et le festival ASSITEJ – Turning Point.

Le défi posé par Turning Point est celui du changement et du moment liminal qu’il offre. Il met en lumière le tournant qui doit être pris par les professionnels, comme créateurs et créatrices de spectacles, mais aussi en tant qu’individus au service du jeune public. Il est parfois difficile actuellement de donner un sens au monde, et pour nous tous – pas seulement pour les jeunes – cette situation peut être accablante. Nous observons les effets effroyables de la guerre sur les enfants et les jeunes, les effets de la crise climatique sur nous tous, l’iniquité et l’injustice qui empêchent les gens de vivre leur vie, l’égoïsme et le racisme qui privent les gens de leurs droits humains. Que pouvons-nous faire, dans notre propre contexte, pour rendre l’avenir possible ?

Nous sommes des créateurs et créatrices, des fabricants de spectacles qui travaillent pour, avec, par et sur les enfants et les jeunes. Notre mission, notre enjeu est ancré dans le tissu social, économique et politique de la vie des jeunes. C’est grâce à notre pratique artistique que nous pouvons prendre les mesures nécessaires pour créer un tournant pour beaucoup, y compris pour nous-mêmes. Le pouvoir que nous avons de raconter des histoires qui montrent et interprètent des situations complexes est vital. Nous disposons d’un langage profond et nuancé avec lequel nous pouvons jouer et qui couvre tant de formes d’art et de manières d’être, émotionnelles, physiques, visuelles, sensorielles ainsi que des mots. Nous sommes dans le domaine de l’empathie, de l’émerveillement et de la curiosité, de l’humanité et de la compassion, de la protestation et de la contribution au changement.

Nous nous épanouissons en nous connectant et en partageant avec les autres. Notre travail est orienté vers le public, vers l’extérieur et vers l’inclusion. Nous avons besoin de sentir, plus fort que jamais, que notre communauté et notre association nous soutiennent dans ce que nous visons, l’unité de nos praticiens à travers le monde, la promotion du théâtre et des spectacles pour, avec, par et sur les enfants et les jeunes.  Nous pouvons nous réunir, partager des histoires, profiter de nos liens lorsque nous sommes ensemble, ou nous engager en ligne, lire ce que d’autres ont découvert, expérimenté et partagé. Nous pouvons compatir avec les personnes en situation extrême et faire ce que nous pouvons, en nous connectant localement, nationalement, mondialement.

Nous savons ce que nous pouvons faire grâce à notre art : l’énergie des jeunes voix, des perspectives et des opinions qui trouvent un espace et une place ; les personnes privées de pouvoir qui sont entendues et vues ; et surtout, la joie, l’émerveillement et les possibilités qui reviennent, dans un monde de plus en plus incertain.

Sue Giles

President, ASSITEJ International

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]]> Tue, 07 Nov 2023 00:23:50 +0000 Este mes, del 20 al 25 de noviembre, muchos de nosotros de la comunidad ASSITEJ y de la región de Europa del Este nos reuniremos en Belgrado y Novi Sad...

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Este mes, del 20 al 25 de noviembre, muchos de nosotros de la comunidad ASSITEJ y de la región de Europa del Este nos reuniremos en Belgrado y Novi Sad en Serbia, para el Festival y Encuentro Artístico ASSITEJ – Turning Point.

La provocación de Turning Point trata sobre el cambio y el momento liminal que éste ofrece. Se trata de centrarse en un cambio en el mundo que es necesario abordar como profesionales, como creadores de teatro y espectáculos y como personas que sirven a un público joven. A veces es difícil dar sentido al mundo, y para todos nosotros, no sólo para los jóvenes, puede ser totalmente abrumador. Contemplamos los terribles efectos de la guerra sobre los niños, niñas y jóvenes, los efectos de la crisis climática sobre todos nosotros, la desigualdad y la injusticia que impiden que la gente pueda vivir su vida, el egoísmo y el racismo que niegan a las personas sus derechos humanos. ¿Qué podemos hacer, dentro de nuestros propios contextos, para que el futuro sea posible?

Somos creadores de teatro y espectáculos que hacemos obras para, con, por y sobre niños, niñas y jóvenes, y nuestra tarea, nuestro propósito, está incrustado en el tejido social, económico y político de la vida de los jóvenes. Es a través de nuestra práctica como artistas como podemos dar los pasos necesarios para crear un punto de inflexión para muchos, incluidos nosotros mismos. El poder que tenemos para contar historias que muestren e interpreten situaciones complejas es vital. Tenemos un lenguaje profundo y lleno de matices con el que jugar, que abarca muchas formas artísticas y maneras de ser: emocionales, físicas, visuales, sensoriales, además de las palabras.   Estamos en la industria de la empatía, del asombro y la curiosidad, de la humanidad y la compasión, de la protesta y la contribución al cambio.

Prosperamos mediante la conexión y el intercambio con los demás. Nuestro trabajo está de cara al público, es exterior e inclusivo. Necesitamos sentir, con más fuerza que nunca, que nuestra comunidad y nuestra asociación nos sostienen en lo que pretendemos conseguir: la unidad de nuestros profesionales en todo el mundo y la promoción del teatro y el espectáculo para, con, por y sobre niños, niñas y jóvenes.  Podemos reunirnos, compartir historias, disfrutar de la conexión cuando podamos en persona y podemos participar en línea, leer lo que otros han descubierto, experimentado y compartido, sentir por las personas in extremis y hacer lo que podamos, conectando a nivel local, nacional y mundial.

Sabemos lo que podemos hacer a través de nuestro arte: dar espacio y lugar a la energía de las voces, perspectivas y opiniones jóvenes; escuchar y ver a los desempoderados; y no menos importante, devolver el deleite, el asombro y la posibilidad a un mundo cada vez más incierto.

Sue Giles

Presidenta, ASSITEJ Internacional

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A Note from Émilie Robert Thu, 12 Oct 2023 13:45:18 +0000 In mid-September, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a note to subsidized cultural structures suspending all collaboration with Malian, Burkinabé or Nigerien artists in the name of security. This...

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In mid-September, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a note to subsidized cultural structures suspending all collaboration with Malian, Burkinabé or Nigerien artists in the name of security. This announcement provoked numerous protest reactions in France and compromised projects, due to a lack of predictable outcome to the conflicts concerned.

This announcement shocked me, not only because I am currently sharing a project with the director of the Théâtre Soleil in Ouagadougou. A few weeks earlier, I was in Johannesburg, welcomed with my colleagues from the Executive Committee, by ASSITEJ South Africa and the Cradle of Creativity festival. I saw very powerful shows there, particularly those from the African continent. I discovered remarkable artists, some very young, and took part in some really interesting conferences and discussions. I came back enthusiastic about such artistic and human richness. Excluding some of these artists from future projects is unacceptable to me.

When diplomacy subjugates art, it forgets that it brings people together beyond borders and cannot comply with the rules of military and political conflicts. It has its own confrontations, but above all it connects men, women, children, young people, artists and spectators.

ASSITEJ, like the art itself, brings together artists and professionals from around the world, through its site and its newsletters, but even more at the Congresses and during the Artistic Gatherings. The next gathering will take place soon, in Belgrade and Nov Sad (Serbia) from November 20. We hope to see a large number of members of the international community of TYA there.

Beforehand, we invite you to join us for the two “Coffee Sessions” that my colleague, Ernie Nolan, and I will devote to LGBTQ+ issues in live performance aimed at children and youth, after sessions dedicated to diversity and deaf culture last season. We are continuing our online meetings dedicated to diversity, inclusion, meeting others, and respecting each person. These are strong values, which carry performing arts for children and youth.

They are also embodied in the group which works on political strategy issues within the executive committee, in the committee dedicated to accessibility, in the promotional campaigns for the World Theater Day for Children and Youth, etc. They are carried by each and every one of us in our daily activities.

Art connects and, even more so, performing arts for children and youth, which bring together generations and all audiences. ASSITEJ represents these values and these links. The Executive Committee and the team are the vectors.

Members of ASSITEJ, let’s gather, meet, stand in solidarity, online or in person, in Serbia, Cuba, and everywhere else whenever the opportunity is given to us. Our solidarity and our commitment are our strength in the face of political or military conflicts, upheavals and economic and ecological crises.

Emilie Robert

EC Member, ASSITEJ International

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]]> Thu, 12 Oct 2023 13:34:24 +0000 A la mi-septembre, le ministère des Affaires Etrangères français a envoyé une note aux structures culturelles subventionnées suspendant toute collaboration avec des artistes maliens, burkinabés ou nigériens au nom de...

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A la mi-septembre, le ministère des Affaires Etrangères français a envoyé une note aux structures culturelles subventionnées suspendant toute collaboration avec des artistes maliens, burkinabés ou nigériens au nom de la sécurité. Cette annonce a provoqué de nombreuses réactions de protestation en France et compromet des projets, faute d’issue prévisible aux conflits concernés.

Cette annonce m’a bouleversée, pas seulement parce que je partage actuellement un projet avec le directeur du Théâtre Soleil à Ouagadougou. Quelques semaines auparavant, j’étais à Johannesburg, accueillie avec mes collègues du Comité Exécutif, par l’ASSITEJ Afrique du Sud et le festival Craddle of Creativity. J’y ai vu des spectacles d’une grande force, en particulier ceux venus du continent africain. J’ai découvert des artistes remarquables, certains très jeunes, et participé à des temps de conférence et d’échanges vraiment intéressants. J’en suis revenue enthousiasmée par une telle richesse artistique et humaine. Exclure de tels artistes de projets futurs est pour moi inacceptable.

Quand la diplomatie assujettit l’art, elle oublie que celui-ci rassemble au-delà des frontières et ne peut se plier aux règles des conflits militaires et politiques. Il a ses propres confrontations, mais avant tout il relie entre eux des hommes, des femmes, des enfants, des jeunes, des artistes avec des spectateurs.

L’ASSITEJ, à l’image de l’art, rassemble les artistes et les professionnels du monde entier, à travers son site et ses newsletters, mais plus encore évidemment aux Congrès et lors des Rencontres Artistiques. La prochaine rencontre aura bientôt lieu, à Belgrade et Nov Sad (Serbie) à partir du 20 novembre. Nous espérons y retrouver un grand nombre de membres de la communauté internationale du jeune public.

Auparavant, nous vous invitons à nous rejoindre pour les deux « Coffee Sessions » que mon collègue, Ernie Nolan, et moi-même, consacrerons aux questions LGBTQ+ dans le spectacle vivant à l’adresse de l’enfance et de la jeunesse, après des sessions consacrées à la diversité et à la culture sourde la saison dernière. Nous poursuivons nos rencontres en ligne consacrées à la diversité, l’inclusion, la rencontre avec l’autre, le respect de chacune et chacun.

Ce sont des valeurs fortes, que portent la création à l’adresse de l’enfance et la jeunesse. Elles s’incarnent aussi dans le groupe qui œuvre aux questions de stratégies politiques au sein du comité exécutif, dans le comité consacré à l’accessibilité, dans les campagnes de promotion de la Journée Mondiale du Théâtre pour l’Enfance et la Jeunesse, etc. Elles sont portées par chacune et chacun d’entre nous dans ses activités quotidiennes.

Oui, l’art relie et, plus encore, les arts vivants pour l’enfance et la jeunesse, qui rassemblent les générations et tous les publics. L’ASSITEJ représente ces valeurs et ces liens. Le Comité Exécutif et l’équipe salariée en sont les vecteurs.

Membres de l’ASSITEJ, rassemblons-nous, rencontrons-nous, soyons solidaires, en ligne ou en présence, en Serbie, à Cuba, et partout ailleurs chaque fois que l’occasion nous est donnée. Notre solidarité et notre engagement sont notre force face aux conflits politiques ou militaires, aux soubresauts et aux crises économiques et écologiques.

Emilie Robert

EC Member, ASSITEJ International

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]]> Thu, 12 Oct 2023 13:34:00 +0000 A mediados de septiembre, el Ministerio francés de Asuntos Exteriores envió una nota a las estructuras culturales subvencionadas suspendiendo toda colaboración con artistas malienses, burkineses o nigerianos en nombre de...

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A mediados de septiembre, el Ministerio francés de Asuntos Exteriores envió una nota a las estructuras culturales subvencionadas suspendiendo toda colaboración con artistas malienses, burkineses o nigerianos en nombre de la seguridad. Este anuncio provocó numerosas reacciones de protesta en Francia y comprometió proyectos, debido a la falta de un resultado previsible de los conflictos en cuestión.

Este anuncio me conmocionó, no sólo porque actualmente comparto un proyecto con el director del Théâtre Soleil de Ouagadougou. Unas semanas antes, estuve en Johannesburgo, acogida con mis colegas del Comité Ejecutivo, por ASSITEJ Sudáfrica y el festival Cradle of Creativity. Allí vi espectáculos muy impactantes, sobre todo del continente africano. Descubrí artistas notables, algunos muy jóvenes, y participé en conferencias y debates realmente interesantes. Volví entusiasmada por tanta riqueza artística y humana. Excluir a algunos de estos artistas de futuros proyectos me parece inaceptable.

Cuando la diplomacia subyuga al arte, olvida que éste une a las personas más allá de las fronteras y no puede atenerse a las reglas de los conflictos militares y políticos. Tiene sus propios enfrentamientos, pero sobre todo conecta a hombres, mujeres, niños, niñas, jóvenes, artistas y espectadores.

ASSITEJ, como el arte mismo, reúne a artistas y profesionales de todo el mundo, a través de su página web y sus boletines, pero aún más en los Congresos y durante los Encuentros Artísticos. El próximo encuentro tendrá lugar pronto, en Belgrado y Novi Sad (Serbia) a partir del 20 de noviembre. Esperamos ver allí a un gran número de miembros de la comunidad internacional del teatro para jóvenes audiencias.

Antes de eso, les invitamos a unirse a nosotros en las dos “Coffee Sessions” que mi colega, Ernie Nolan, y yo dedicaremos a las cuestiones LGBTQ+ en el espectáculo en vivo dirigido a niños, niñas y jóvenes, después de las sesiones anteriores dedicadas a la diversidad y la cultura sorda de la temporada pasada. Seguimos con nuestras reuniones en línea dedicadas a la diversidad, la inclusión, el encuentro con los demás y el respeto a cada persona. Se trata de valores sólidos, portadores de las artes escénicas para niños, niñas y jóvenes.

También se materializan en el grupo que trabaja en cuestiones de estrategia política dentro del comité ejecutivo, en el comité dedicado a la accesibilidad, en las campañas de promoción del Día Mundial del Teatro para Niños y Jóvenes, etc. Los llevamos todos y cada uno de nosotros en nuestras actividades cotidianas.

El arte conecta y, más aún, las artes escénicas para niños, niñas y jóvenes, que unen generaciones y a todos los públicos. ASSITEJ representa estos valores y estos vínculos. El Comité Ejecutivo y el equipo son los vectores.

Miembros de ASSITEJ, reunámonos, encontremonos, solidaricémonos, en línea o en persona, en Serbia, Cuba, y en cualquier lugar donde se nos dé la oportunidad. Nuestra solidaridad y nuestro compromiso son nuestra fuerza frente a conflictos políticos o militares, convulsiones y crisis económicas y ecológicas.

Emilie Robert

Miembro del Comité Ejecutivo de ASSITEJ Internacional

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A DIALOGUE OF THEATRE AND POLITICS Thu, 14 Sep 2023 15:06:50 +0000 “All theatre is necessarily political, because all the activities of man (sic) are political and theatre is one of them. Those who separate theatre from politics try to lead us...

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“All theatre is necessarily political, because all the activities of man (sic) are political and theatre is one of them. Those who separate theatre from politics try to lead us into error – and that is a political attitude” – Augusto Boal (1931 – 2009)

September holds an extraordinary memory in the trajectory of children’s rights. More than 21 years ago, the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Children (UNGASSoC) was postponed due to the tragedy of 11 September 2001 (9/11), when more than 2700 people were killed and many children orphaned instantly.

I write this article from the backdrop of two significant and first in-person events post COVID-19 that South Africa hosted recently in Johannesburg in August. One was the Cradle of Creativity, an International Festival and Conference of Theatre For Young Audiences from 20 -27 August under the theme “The Stories That Move Us”. Venues included the iconic Market Theatre, the Windybrow Arts Centre and cultural hubs such as the National Children’s Theatre and Sibikwa. The other event was the XV BRICS Summit under the theme “BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Mutually Accelerated Growth, Sustainable Development and Inclusive Multilateralism”. This took place from 22-24 August in Sandton.

In their deliberations, leaders of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) noted with great concern, the ongoing conflicts in many parts of the world, and stressed their commitment to peaceful resolutions through dialogue. Amongst other things, they affirmed the promotion of the creative economy as a global public good as adopted at the World Conference on Culture and Sustainable Development – MONDIACULT22. Meanwhile, in theatres in the same city, more than 25 productions from South Africa, Rwanda, Burkina Faso, Belgium, Germany, France, Denmark, Mexico/Argentina, Switzerland, and the Netherlands showcased at the festival. They were about, for, with and by children. During this time, I experienced the power of warm long hugs, where no words were needed as stories moved us.

Since these events, I have taken time to ponder their significance and I also followed up with some people about the stories that moved them, at the festival.

The President of ASSITEJ International Sue Giles shared that several stories that moved her were not hers to tell, but were shared with her as connections deepened across the week. “Some were hard to hear. Every show we saw from South Africa and other African nations, was a story within a story. The layers of experience, the knowledge of pain and the joy that make up the Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA) sector in South Africa lies in the heart of why it is such strong work.”

Jon Dafydd-Kidd (ASSITEJ UK) told me it was “an experience of balanced opposition” that left him wondering “why at home we are so afraid to have the important dialogues with children and young people about things that are directly impacting their life? And how has much of our art become generalised?”

He referenced an award winning production, The King of Broken Things, and said the festival had left him with three words “Context, Curiosity, Listen”.

For me, the festival reminded me of the words of Augusto Boal when he asserts that “perhaps the theatre is not revolutionary in itself; but have no doubt, it is a rehearsal of revolution!”

Consequently, I am not taking the deliberations of BRICS lightly, nor am I taking the stories that moved multitudes of audiences during the festival for granted.

Instead, I am reminded that the leadership of BRICS can take their responsibility for action around child rights and justice seriously, and that the story of 9/11 needs to be told multiple times until every child understands the impact of political and ideological conflicts on their lives and how through threatre we could choose to shape a world fit for everyone.

At the festival I met six year old Bokamoso Sekhibane and she told me she liked being at the festival. As an organisation that is committed to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, may all the events meant to enable Participation, Protection and Provision of Services for children be amplified every day, everywhere. This includes theatre, where we see children like Bokamoso being enabled to rehearse their desired futures, and in the process, we come closer to realising peace for all.

Lalu Mokuku

EC Member, ASSITEJ International

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